Wednesday, 9 January 2013

T215 Materials Arrived!!

Well the start date of my next module T215 Information and Comunication Technologies is drawing ever nearer and this Saturday just gone the first block of materials arrived in the post! The rest of the course material should arrive at the beginning of February.

Pretty apprehensive about starting this course - it's my first Level 2 module but not only that, it's the first time I've studied at University Level whilst being so ill. A relapse in October and virus after virus this winter have left me more ill then when I first started doing my degree. I'm hoping I will be able to continue my study and hopefully improve health wise as well this year. I'm going to have to be careful not to do too much though as I certainly don't want my study to make my health worse.

However I am also excited to start this module - not only is it computing and technology it has a fair amount of maths in it! Exponent notation, algebra, and Binary!! I absolutely love that side of things!

I'm hoping to update this blog again soon, but obviously it depends on my health and how well I cope with studying. For now I shall leave you with a picture of the Block 1 books that arrived on Saturday.

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