Thursday, 6 December 2012

Results Are Out Early!!!

Well I'm posting here again earlier than expected, my results for DB123 You and Your Money: Personal Finance in Context were due out 'by December 14th' but were released early - 4th December!!

I am pleased to say I passed!! :D Which I am very pleased with especially as I completed that final assignment whilst I was pretty ill and sleep deprived. I was only 5 marks off getting a distinction grade as well! Not that it matters to the classification of my degree at this stage but it is a little frustrating to have been so close!

Still over the moon with the fact I passed as I wasn't all that confident that I had written anything near good enough to pass let alone get the score I did!

This means I have gained a Certificate in Business Studies on route to my degree!

Oh well it made my day on Tuesday, brightened an otherwise pretty rough day or make that week so far! The cold is seriously getting to my joints at the moment and I'm in a fair amount of pain constantly. I'm hoping come January when I start T215 Communication and Information Technologies I will be in less pain and a little better.

Next week I have my Disabled Students Allowance (DSA) equipment being delivered and set up to make studying my next course that bit easier!

I'll keep you updated with how things go.

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