Wednesday, 23 January 2013

Daunted and Overwhelmed...

Well this has not been the most positive start to a new module. I've had a severe throat infection which has really taken it out of me and made the M.E. that much worse. So despite all plans of making an early start on the module to get ahead in case of having a bad day, picking up a bug or whatever and not having to worry about falling behind, I haven't been able to do that because until the middle of last week I was under strict orders to rest!

Luckily at the end of last week and very beginning of this week I managed to make a small start (i.e. I read the module guide, Block 1 companion & introduction of Block 1)

Then yesterday I had 3 hours of training - I was awarded Dragon Naturally Speaking Software & a digital voice recorder through Disabled Students Allowance and have two 3 hour training session on how to use them. Fortunately the training is done at my house and is relatively easy going. The only trouble is doing anything for 3 hours straight at the moment is exhausting and for this I have to sit at the dining table, doesn't sound like much but right now I'm spending most of the day either lying or slouched on the sofa as sitting upright takes more energy!

So today despite planning on getting some studying done, I am forced to rest yet again. Last night I was so exhausted I was shaking/shivering all the time. Today I am a little better although still a bit shaky  And you want to know the best bit? The next training session is next Tuesday - soo I'm guessing I have a repeat of today to look forward to next week!! And the module officially starts on Saturday...this doesn't look daunting at all!! :/

Since I relapsed in October I knew this was probably going to be difficult, to have had another infection and relapsed again has made it seem that much harder! But hopefully once this training is out of the way I'll be able to sort myself out and pace myself better.
I'm not ashamed to admit that right now the prospect of doing this module whilst this ill terrifies me, but at the same time I don't want to give up. This illness has already prevented me from doing so much, I don't want to let it take this away from me as well!

That's it for now. Hopefully I'll have a more positive update next time!

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