Well it really has been too long since I updated this blog. I've had two assignments marked since my last post! The first one is for the Accounting and Finance assignment and despite having fallen behind I got a respectable 77%.
Now Human Resource Management, Block 5...that was another real struggle. I learned a lot about theories on the management of human resources as well as the fact it really isn't a wise idea to try and continue studying on less than four hours sleep whilst battling shingles!
So block 5 was another one where I fell behind. I somehow miraculously wrote my assignment in about three days and submitted thinking I hadn't answered any of the questions at all; just written absolute nonsense. You can imagine my surprise when I got my mark back and found I'd got 74%! It just shows what I thought was 'nonsense' actually made some sense! Perhaps I should have more confidence in what I write.
Anyway I'm now well into Block 6, Information Management. I have to say I'm finding this subject interesting but again the workload is a challenge. I'm just recovering from a sickness bug which has totally flattened me; making the M.E. symptoms ridiculously bad and leaving me feeling like I've fallen behind. Luckily for me the study calendar has allocated a 'break week' next week so I have time to catch up before the TMA is due! Hopefully I'll avoid pushing my health so much and writing another TMA in just 3 days.
Quite honestly I'm finding myself regularly buried in my OU books; when I'm not buried in them I'm attending dentist or doctor appointments, am literally too ill to do anything but rest/sleep or I'm thinking about all the work I have to do!
No one ever said getting a degree with my health the way it is was going to be easy, but at the time of signing up I didn't foresee my health declining as much as it has and so perhaps expected it to be a little easier than it actually is! But I'm not going to give up just yet. I'm so close to a summer break; I have one TMA due in May and a home exam at the beginning of June then I can rest and recuperate (with a hobby project or two on the go) until I start my first level 3 module in October. Hopefully by then I'll be in a better state of mind and my health will be more stable.
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